Protect concrete curbs and expensive rim tire wheel damage.
10 foot strip of CURBHUGGER RED before installation.
Easily install to protect curbs and wheels from damage.
AFTER installation of RED CURBHUGGER 10 foot strips.
Office complex curbs protected with CURBHUGGERS.
RED CurbHuggers and USSC RED curb paint.
RED CurbHuggers and RED paint for protection and safety.
Protection with Black CurbHuggers for car parking lots.
Bank drive thru protected with CurbHuggers Black.
CurbHuggers are shipped as easy to install, 10 foot long strips.
Damaged curbs can be repaired with DuraPave, CurbHuggers.
AFTER - curb repair with USSC DuraPave, CurbHuggers.
Easy repair of broken curbs at Bank ATM drive through.
Protect concrete curbs, car rims, from expensive repair bills.
BEFORE - damaged bank drive through concrete curbs.
BEFORE - damaged concrete curb at bank drive through.
BEFORE - very common, damaged drive through curbs.
AFTER - installation of CurbHuggers, DuraPave, USSC paint.
AFTER reparing with CURBHUGGERS, DuraPave and USSC paint.
Pricing, installation, technical info, to ORDER call 800-278-7473
Prevent car wash curbs from damaging expensive car rims.
Prevent costly, expensive damages to car rims, wheels, tires.
Parking lot curbs protected from damage using CurbHuggers.
Install CurbHuggers were the cars are most likely to hit curbs.
Limit the damage. Black tire scuff marks will wipe off.
We supply the striping paints, curb paints, CurbHuggers.
Use CurbHuggers to avoid this kind of curb, tire, rim damage.
CurbHuggers are specifically designed to be flexible.
Some areas are a must for CurbHuggers protection.
CurbHuggers are available in several BRIGHT colors.
Prime candidate for CurbHuggers protection.
Bank drive-thru that definetly needs CurbHuggers.
Defintely needs CH to prevent costly damage to cars.
To ORDER call 1-800-278-7473 or 1-800-2-STRIPE
Use on streets, roads, parking lot, parking garage curbs.