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  • Curb Repair Kit CurbFIX
  • concrete curb repair kit shipped conatined in plastic bucket paint
    Concrete curb repair KIT is shipped in 4 gallon plastic pails.
  • concrete street curb repair kit with sand polymer mix gloves seal coating liner.
    Sand - polymer mix, gloves, brush, seal coating, form liner.
  • polymer sand mix to repair concrete curbs.
    Polymer - sand mix is packaged in a waterproof plastic bag.
  • repair small damaged section or big missing section of concrete curb.
    Use CurbFIX to repair a SMALL area or BIG missing sections.
  • drilling nails screws impact wrench to support rebar concrete curb patch.
    Drilling screws, nails as support does helps secure the patch.
  • surface preparation for broken concrete curb repair.
    Surface Preparation is easy. Remove all loose dirt and debri.
  • wire brush to remove grass dirt debri before patching damaged broken areas on concrete curbs.
    Use wire brush to remove loose dirt, grass, broken concrete.
  • gloves to handle pack sand polymer mixture to patch broken damaged concrete curbs.
    Use the gloves provided to safely handle the sand mixture.
  • use plastic form liner to pack the damaged missing concrete curbs.
    Use the provided plastic liner to evenly form the curb shape.
  • sand polymer mixture for concrete curbs is easy to handle and put form in shape.
    Sand polymer mixture is easy to handle, firmly pack in shape.
  • plastic form liner to pack shape form the concrete curb patch.
    Use liner to properly form, compact and shape the patch.
  • plastic to evenly finish taper the top of the curb patch.
    Use the form or trowel to evenly finish all sides of the patch.
  • shape concrete road street side walk curb patch.
    Plenty of time to compact, form, shape, refine the patch.
  • finish the patch for asphalt or concrete.
    Polymer mixture will not harden until saturated with water.
  • properly compacted formed shaped concrete curb patch.
    A properly formed and properly compacted curb patch.
  • properly compacted formed shaped curb patches.
    Ample time to form, compact, and fine tune the patch.
  • repair small areas or form big missing damaged areas of side walk curb
    Repair small areas or rebuild big missing portions of curb.
  • repair damaged missing broken asphalt curbs
    CurbFIX will repair BOTH concrete and / or asphalt curbs.
  • hardening curing of patch when water is poured.
    Hardening of the patch starts only when water is poured on it.
  • saturate the polymer sand with water to start the curing.
    All is needed to harden the patch is to saturate it with water.
  • concrete color seal coating for curb patch.
    Concrete colored seal coating is provided in the KIT.
  • paint all sides of concrete curb patching concrete color seal water base seal coating.
    Apply sealer to all sides of the patch. Let the sealer soak in.
  • asphalt patching curb repair black seal coating.
    If doing a asphalt patch, we can provide black sealcoating.
  • water base extremely durable tough concrete color sealer.
    Paint is safe, water base, extremely durable, water cleanup.
  • repairing missing broken street curb
    Have any questions ? Call us at 1-800-278-7473.
  • repairing broken damaged shiped street concrete curbs.
    To place an ORDER call 1-800-278-7473 or 1-800-2-STRIPE
  • home residential home driveway concrete asphalt curb repair.
  • do it yourself home easy to do fix repair curb repair kit.
  • direct from manufacturer best price concrete asphalt curbs repair kits

Curb Repair Kit CurbFIX

Water activated polymer to fix, repair broken damaged concrete curbs.
Easy to use, permanent cold patch compound to repair damaged, broken concrete street curbs. This sand polymer mixture gets instantly activated, cures and hardens ONLY when water is poured on it. Once packed into the damaged areas and activated with water it forms a strong, durable, permanent curb repair making broken curbs look like brand new. Kit includes 40 pounds of polymer, half pint concrete colored seal coat, plastic form liner, paint brush, gloves.
  • High volume / established Customers please call us for special pricing.
  • Being a Manufacturer we strive to offer the BEST PAINT at the BEST PRICE.
  • To locate a USSC sales rep. or a Distributor in your area, Please call us toll free.
  • We can match any Paint, Coating, Primer, Sealer or Janitorial Product.
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Formulated and manufactured by USSC at its production facility in Alpharetta GA, CurbFIX is an innovative formulation that cures, hardens with water. It can be used in any conditions, and cures ( hardens ) extremely fast to produce a very strong, durable, permanent  patch to repair concrete curbs. It does not need any heat source and contains renewable vegetable oil. Product is moisture sensitive so unopened must me stores in a cool dry area. Opened container must be completely used up as soon as possible. Once opened partial container must be sealed properly and stored in cool dry place. Moisture contamination of the unopened stored product or not properly sealed open container will result in hardening of product in the container. 

  • Complete kit provided. Easy to use, fast set, fast cure. Easiest way to repair damaged, broken, missing curbs.
  • Specially designed for Do It Yourselfers DIY for fast and easy repairs of damages of all types and sizes to improve CURB APPEAL.
  • Kit includes 40 pounds of sand polymer mix, half pint concrete colored seal coat, plastic form liner, paint brush, gloves.
  • Made from renewable oils, water activated. Durable, permanent, cost effective way to fix damaged concrete curbs.
  • Not effected with weather conditions during application. Rain, Sun, Hot, Cold, Moisture no problem.
  • Compact the sand polymer evenly in the damaged areas, tamper down, form the shape of the curb, spray water to initiate cure and the repair is done.
  • Top coat the patch with the concrete color water based seal coating provided in the kit.
  • Formulated and MADE IN THE USA.
  • For more information, a recommendation or to ORDER call 1-800-2-STRIPE or 1-800-278-7473.


1) Thoroughly clean the damaged broken curb areas. Use a wire brush and remove all loose dirt and debris.

2) Installing / drilling nails or screws in the broken curbs as a rebar system does immensely help support and secure the repair patch. But is not a necessary step. CurbFIX will work fine without the rebar support but if it can be done it is strongly recommended.

3) Remove lid from the bucket, wear the protective gloves provided. Slide open the plastic bag that the sand-polymer mix is contained in.

4) Use the plastic form liner as a barrier and pour the sand - polymer mix in the damaged cavity.

5) Compact the sand-polymer mix in the damaged / broken areas of the curb. Use a trowel to form it to the shape of the curb. There is unlimited time to work this part. The product will not harden until you put water on it.

6) Once satisfied with the shape of the patch, saturate it with water. There is nothing more to do. The curing and hardening of the patch will proceed by itself.

7) Using the brush in the kit, paint the patch with the concrete colored water base seal coating also provided in the kit.

8) Coverage is 4 square feet at 1 inch thick per 45 pound of the product in each 4 gallon bucket.

9) Have any more application questions, or to ORDER call 1-800-278-7473 or 1-800-2-STRIPE.