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LIQUID QUARTZ plus REPELLENT specially formulation with highly reactive and concentrated Lithium Silicate along with colloidal silica and a special water repelling agent can be applied on poured concrete that is still wet or on a concrete slab that is years old. Has all the performance and advantages of LIQUID QUARTZ plus enhanced water repellent properties. Spray it on concrete until the surface is saturated and stops soaking up the liquid. Can be applied on brand new concrete. Best time to apply is after final finishing is done. This product will hold the hydrates in allowing proper and complete hydration of the cement. No need to wait 28 days to protect concrete it is protected immediately. There is no need to work the applied product or cleaning or brooming up of the excess material. One hour of dry time is recommended. Product is safe, has low pH, green, environmentally and user friendly, non hazardous, very low odor, very low VOC's and no hazardous material disposal needed. It is shipped as a concentrate. One gallon will make five gallons of usable product. Saves on shipping costs, storage space, net material costs.
Technical Data Sheet USSC's lithium concrete DENSIFIER-LIQUID QUARTZ with water repellent sealer
USSC's concrete Densifier is a formulation of penetrating lithium silicates that reacts with concrete to produce
insoluble calcium silicate hydrate within the concrete pores.
Addition of the special water repellents increases the treated surfaces performance to be more resistant to water damage and surface abrasion and also reduced dusting with less maintenance. USSC Densifier will not contribute to surface ASR ( Alkali Silicate Reaction ).
Physical Data
FORM : milky, water like viscosity liquid.
pH : 11.0
WT/GAL : 9.2 lbs
VOC CONTENT : < 20 g/L
SHELF LIFE : 2 years in unopened, factory-sealed container.
Protect people, vehicles, property, plants and all surfaces from the product, splash and wind drift.Use
polyethylene or other proven protective material. May be applied to freshly placed concrete after final
finishing and installation of the control joints. USSC Densifier is ideal for application to existing, cured
concrete of any age. Surfaces must be clean and structurally sound. Remove all foreign materials including
bond breakers, curing agents, surface grease and oil, and construction debris. Application may begin as
soon as prepared surfaces are dry and free of pooled water. Do not apply to surfaces that are frozen, dirty or
have standing water.
Surface & Air Temperatures : Temperatures for application should be 40-100°F (4-38°C).
Equipment : Apply with low-pressure sprayer, mop or a soft-bristled push broom.
Storage & Handling : Store in a cool, dry place. Always seal container after dispensing. Do not alter or mix with other chemicals.
Published shelf life assumes upright storage of factory-sealed containers in a dry place. Maintain
temperatures of 40-100°F (4-38°C). Keep from freezing. Do not double stack pallets. Dispose of in
accordance with local, state and federal regulations.
TEST using the equipment and procedures selected for general application. Follow the application
instructions below to pre-test each slab. Pretesting will confirm the suitability of the surface preparation
and application procedures proposed for general application. Pre-testing will also determine the average
coverage rates to be maintained over the entire project. Let surfaces dry thoroughly before inspection and
approval. Surfaces to be treated must be clean, dry and absorbent. Confirm surface absorbency with a light
water spray – surfaces designated for treatment should wet uniformly. Do not dilute or alter.
Typical Coverage Rates : Variations in concrete quality, porosity, job site conditions, temperature and relative humidity will affect coverage rates and drying times.
Typical coverage rates are as follows:-
Freshly Placed, Uncured, Steel Troweled Concrete
Cured, Steel Troweled Concrete
Cured, Ground/Honed Concrete