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  • Acetone Acrylic resin base durable fast dry traffic line marking striping paint
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    ZERO VOC, instant dry, durable, acetone base traffic paint.
  • Manufacturer of instant dry road street traffic line marking acetone base striping paint coating.
    Being acetone base, its instant dry, to put in service fast.
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    Direct from manufacturer PARKING LOT PAINTS.
  • one component acetone base traffic road paint.
    Instant dry solvent base paint CORES.
  • Tough durable long lasting traffic line marking paints.
    Bright, extremely DURABLE traffic line marking paint.
  • most recommended specified traffic line marking paint.
    CORES is specified and used for high profile projects.
  • acetone base traffic line marking paint white yellow
    Manufacturer, Acetone base instant dry traffic paint CORES.
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    One component instant dry paint for cross walks
  • cross walk fast dry traffic line marking paint
  • tough durable wear resistant weather resistant non fade traffic paint.
    Easy to apply one component durable traffic line paint.
  • tough durable traffic paint
    Cores cures to an extremely tough long lasting paint.
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  • manufacturer of acetone base instant fast dry traffic line parking spot paint.
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    Non fading, extremely DURABLE line marking paint.
  • Painting handicap parking lot with instant dry blue traffic paint.
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    Top quality, unique, instant dry acetone traffic paint CORES.
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    USSC makes a whole range of traffic paints, custom stencils.
  • zero voc low 0 volatile organic content traffic arrow parking lot paint.
  • seal coating will not bleed through white paint and make it look brown.
    CORES dries fast, black seal coating will not bleed through.
  • To ORDER or for technical information call 1-800-2-STRIPE.
  • paint for marking painting cross walks.
    Durable, fast dry, CORES is an ideal paint for cross walks.
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  • direct from manufacturer white yellow parking lot paint.
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    CORES is available in WHITE, YELLOW, HC BLUE and RED.
  • Painting handicap signs with instant dry traffic parking lot paint.
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    for TRAFFIC PAINTS CALL 1-800-2-STRIPE or 1-800-278-7473
  • acetone base traffic line marking paint for instant fast dry application.
    CORES, Instant dry line paint applied in a cold storage area.
  • shipping traffic line marking paint 5 five gallon containers on a pallet.
    CORES is shipped as 24 metal pails, 120 gallons per pallet.

CORES instant dry traffic paint

Zero VOC, acetone based traffic line marking, crosswalk striping paint.
Extremely durable, tough, high performance, one component, fast dry even in cold temperatures, acrylic traffic paint. Extremely Low in VOC, has excellent adhesion to various substrates, good abrasion resistant, good bead retention. Use to stripe, line, paint extremely durable tough traffic lines on streets, roads, parking lots, parking garages, highways, airport runways.

Priced by the gallon. Packaged in 5 gallon metal buckets.

  • High volume / established Customers please call us for special pricing.
  • Being a Manufacturer we strive to offer the BEST PAINT at the BEST PRICE.
  • To locate a USSC sales rep. or a Distributor in your area, Please call us toll free.
  • We can match any Paint, Coating, Primer, Sealer, Janitorial Product.
  • Want to distribute USSC products or be a sales rep. Please contact us.

Developed at its R&D facility and manufactured at its plant in Atlanta, GA this unique propriety traffic paint CORES is a high performance, high solids, extremely durable acrylic resin based, LOW VOC, with fast dry VOC exempt acetone solvent based paint. It dries very quickly to a hard, extremely durable finish even in humid cold conditions. The viscosity is adjusted to a spray consistency and is ready to use, thinning is not required or recommended. Apply CORES with a synthetic bristle brush, synthetic roller and low pressure airless spray striping equipment designed to handle solvent based paints. Glass beads can also be added for more reflectivity. CORES can be top coated with a clear coat for extra longevity and performance. Clean up of striping machine and uncured paint is done with paint thinner. Being a solvent based paint it is flammable. It is good for most substrates, except new asphalt and freshly applied seal coating. Its exterior durability, bead retention, abrasion resistance and adhesion to substrate, is exceptionally good.

Unique, specially formulated polymeric binder system with the right pigments make it extremely durable.

  • Available in White, Yellow, Blue, Black and Red.
  • High Solids, LOW VOC, Meets Federal Specification AA 2886 ( B ) Type 1.
  • Dries fast, develops hardness and toughness fast even in cold weather.
  • Good coverage. 400 lineal feet per gallon when applied 4 inch wide stripe.
  • Quick Dry times. 30 mins. for foot traffic, 45 mins. for car traffic.
  • Can be applied with conventional airless spray machines that can handle solvent based paints.
  • Use on Roads, Highways, Streets, Parking Lots, Parking Garages, Airports, Runways.
  • Mark / Line / Paint / Stripe center lines, edge lines, cross walks, medians, curbs, stop bars, pedestrian walkways.
  • Caution : Flammable. Not recommended for use on freshly applied asphalt or seal coating.
  • Similar in performance to traditional chlorinated rubber traffic paints but FASTER dry / cure rate.
  • Formulated and MADE IN THE USA.
  • For more information, a recommendation or to ORDER call 1-800-278-7473 or 1-800-2-STRIPE.

Available Colors

H.C. Blue

CORES acetone base traffic paint TDS ( Technical Data Sheet )

CORES 2021 SDS ( Safety Data Sheet )

Custom colors requires a minimum order. Please call us at 800-278-7473 for more details.

Click to view our custom colors