1-800-278-7473 or 1-800-2-STRIPE

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  • soccer football lacrosse field layout measurement system GPS base
  • position tablet markers gps electronic
    Exact location of the GPS receiver is displayed on the tablet.
  • gps receiver aerosol can display phone layout athletic field marking
    The GPS receiver and the layout system is accurate to an inch.
  • All components of kit is shipped in a specifically compact case.
    All components of the kit are shipped in a compact case.
  • receiver display tablet gps mounting clamps battery
    Receiver, display tablet, mounting clamps, battery charger.
  • mount gps receiver on aerosol can to mark football soccer lacrosse fields.
    Bracket to securely attach an aerosol can to the GPS receiver.
  • gps receiver mounted on aerosol can spray mark paint athletic fields
    GPS receiver mounted on a aerosol can, on a spray machine.
  • gps system to mark positions on soccer football lacrosse fields.
    GPS receiver can be attached to our regular or fat cans.
  • gps receiver measure athletic fields spray machine survey pole.
    GPS receiver can be mounted on a machine or a survey pole.
  • tablet software app striping painting layout athletic fields.
    Tablet can be attached to a striping machine or a survey pole.
  • kit tablet measure position align soccer football lacrosse
    Position and the angle of the display tablet is adjustable.
  • gps subscription to layout mark athletic fields.
    System is provided with an updated GPS subscription.
  • system kit to paint mark measure layout football soccer fields.
    Use support via manual, instructions or call-in phone help.
  • mark paint measure layout points athletic football soccer lacrosse fields.
    Mark all intersection-reference points needed to paint fields.
  • software app to layout mark athletic fields.
    Easy-to-use software and menus to lay out all types of fields.
  • rent buy athletic football lacrosse soccer field layout system.
    To rent call 1-800-278-7473 or 1-800-2-STRIPE.


GPS based athletic field layout system for football, soccer, lacrosse fields.
Eliminates the use of tape measures and the tedious procedure of referring to field diagrams to layout athletic fields. Sophisticated, extremely accurate, versatile yet a user friendly system. Functions with special apps downloaded on tablets or android smart phone. Everything is self contained and explained to accurately lay out football, soccer, lacrosse fields. Positioning system is accurate within centimeters. One person can layout any type of athletic field.

Available to purchase or RENT. Call us toll free.

  • High volume / established Customers please call 1-800-2-STRIPE for special pricing.
  • Being a Manufacturer we strive to offer the BEST PAINT at the BEST PRICE.
  • To locate a USSC sales rep. or a Distributor in your area, Please call us toll free.
  • Our R&D Chemists can match any Paint, Coating, Primer, Sealer, Janitorial Product.
  • Want to distribute USSC products or be a sales rep. Please contact us.

Exclusively offered by USSC, GPS AFLS is a unique GPS based Athletic Field Layout System to help layout and stripe all types of athletic fields of varying dimensions. This sophisticated, state of the art system makes layout of a single or multiple athletic fields of varying dimensions a breeze. Eliminates the use of tape measures and the tedious task of continually referring to hard to follow printed athletic field dimensions. All athletic dimensions of varying dimensions are programmed via our easy to use apps that are easily downloaded to your tablet or your android smart phone. Complete how to use directions are provided. Co-ordinates of the GPS positioning system, the layout of the reference points and the resulting athletic field are accurate to within centimeters.

  • Layout system is totally electronic. Co-ordinates determined using GPS. No need for tape measure or printed diagrams.
  • Type of athletic field, the dimensions and needed app is easily downloaded to your tablet or android smart phone.
  • BUY the system and use it before the start of every season to accurately layout your athletic fields.
  • RENT the system for a week to layout as many athletic fields you can and then mail the device back to us.
  • GPS receiver deigned to fit on USSC regular or FAT aerosol can on any of USSC aerosol striping machines.
  • True plug and play. Accurate within 2 centimeters or 1 inch.
  • Just download application software on your device and follow instructions and targets displayed on your device.
  • Software / app designed to layout football, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, rugby fields.
  • One person can layout any type of athletic field of any dimension.
  • Have questions, need a recommendation, to BUY or RENT this unit please call us toll free at 1-800-2-STRIPE or 1-800-278-7473.